How To Clean Your Dog's Ears at Home with Margaret

Routine ear cleaning helps prevent infections and keeps your pet comfortable. Follow these simple steps for a safe and effective cleaning.

What You Need to Clean Your Dog's Ears

  • Ear cleanser: Any pet-safe cleanser from a pet store or online retailer.
  • Gauze squares, cotton balls, or a soft cloth: Used to wipe out debris.

Step-by-Step for Cleaning Dog Ears

  1. Position your pet: Choose an area where cleanup is easy, as ear cleaning can be messy.
  2. Hold the ear open: Gently pull back the outer part of the ear, called the pinna, to straighten the ear canal.
  3. Apply the cleanser: Squirt the cleanser directly into the ear canal.
  4. Massage the base of the ear: This helps loosen any debris inside.
  5. Let your pet shake their head: This will help expel loosened debris.
  6. Wipe out the ear: Use gauze or cotton balls to clean the ear canal gently. Only go as far as your finger naturally reaches.
  7. Clean the outer ear: Wipe the pinna to remove any leftover cleanser or debris.

Additional Tips

  • Perform ear cleanings as needed—typically once a week or as recommended by your vet.
  • Do not use cotton swabs (Q-tips), as they can push debris deeper into the ear.
  • Consult your veterinarian if you notice redness, swelling, or a foul odor.

When to Contact Your Veterinarian

If your pet shows signs of ear pain, frequent head shaking, or excessive buildup, schedule a vet visit to rule out an ear infection!

If you have questions, we would love to answer them for you. Please give us a call at the office at (214) 833-9821, or you can email us at Our staff would love to talk with you!

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