What are the different types of accommodations and prices for the experiences at Canine Country Club?

The Ranch Retreat is for avid adventurer. This camp-like experience is engaging and involves a high activity level. Guests are outdoors for a majority of the day and play for longer portions of the day than a typical home setting.

The Urban Oasis is curated for pets who enjoy apartment style living or a lighter level of activity. Guests who are under 10 pounds vacation here year around. Guests with airway restrictions are only vacationing at the ranch during the months of October - May.


$65.50 per night : Play time with friends, a suite or den depending on your pets size, and treats (intact pets under 6 months)

$90 per night: Individualized play time, a suite or den depending on your pets size, and treats (intact pets over 6 months)

$15 Each Canine guest receives Capstar at the beginning of their stay to maintain our flea-free facility. This preventative measure will not affect any other flea treatments that you routinely use at home. A nominal fee will appear on your final boarding invoice for this service.

$16 Each guest receives a deworming strongid at the beginning of their stay to maintain our parasite free facility. This preventative measure will not affect any other deworming treatments. A nominal fee will appear on your final boarding invoice for this service.

What do I need to bring for my pets stay?

As a benefit to you Canine Country Club provides all amenities including collars, name tags, leashes, toys, treats, comforts, prescription food, and all the fun.

Do I need to bring food for my dog?

We feed Purina EN gastroenteric veterinary diets food, which is a veterinary diet that is low fat, highly digestible, and includes probiotics. Prescription diets are only permitted if the appropriate medical records are provided by your Veterinarian.

How are the dogs transported to the ranch retreat location?

For the convenience of our overnight guests Canine Country Club provides all transportation. Guests are checked in and out via our Dallas location and then chauffeured to the the retreat. The Canine Country Club maintains a fleet of custom vans that are used for transportation as complimentary service for our guests. All our vans are air conditioned and heated, and have secure placement for each guest.

Shuttle Services are part of the all inclusive retreat experience. The Ranch Retreat is located on a private wilderness protected property that is only accessible to retreat staff. Changes to reservations that include shuttling services must be given a 24hrs notice for changes to be in effect

What vaccines do I need for my dog to stay at Canine Country Club?

If your pet's medical history is not up to date, or medical records have not been provided on immunizations* and/or intestinal parasite screening, it is required that our medical staff perform those services during their stay and conveniently include this on your final boarding invoice.

First time guests must have a registration exam performed, which includes a temperament and wellness assessment with our veterinarian. The fee for this will be included on your final boarding invoice but is waived if you are a current client of Highland Park Animal Hospital or Vickery Place Animal Hospital.

Each guest receives Capstar at the beginning of their stay to maintain our flea-free facility. This preventative measure will not affect any flea treatments that you routinely use at home. A nominal fee will appear on your final boarding invoice for this service.

Each guest receives a deworming strongid at the beginning of their stay to maintain our parasite-free facility. This preventative measure will not affect any other deworming treatments. A nominal fee will appear on your final boarding invoice for this service.

*Immunizations Required for Canine Guests:

  • Rabies
  • DHPP (Distemper, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella
  • Canine Influenza
  • Leptospirosis

How can I see pictures of my pets during their stay?

Our technicians post photos of pets via Facebook for the Ranch Retreat and Instagram for the Urban Oasis. Pictures are taken by the technicians at their discretion based on guests comfort levels, safety during play time, and if the technician is so involved in the play time they forget their camera.  Pictures are regularly posted Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if technicians are available. 

My dog does not get along with other dogs, will he still be able to play outside?

Outdoor playtime is available for all guests. Private play yards are available as needed if your pet does not enjoy socialization, or is an intact male or female. Staff members facilitate individual play with your pet to ensure they have a wonderful time.

What happens in the case of an emergency?

Your pet will be cared for by our staff, and when necessary the veterinarian on staff at Canine Country Club will contact you. On rare occasions it may be necessary to contact a local or emergency veterinarian, such as the Dallas Animal Emergency Clinic. Any medical treatment provided will be included on a final invoice through Canine Country Club or Highland Park Animal Hospital.

Why do my pets come home dirty?

Guests at the Ranch Retreat play, regularly, outside regardless of weather. Guests have access to our walk-in pond, portable dog pools, large water troughs, and sprinkler fountains. Also, if guests are in group play, they always share their sticky fun with friends.

Common coat conditions after being at the ranch include some grass particles, some knots or matting of long haired or curly coated guests. Exit Services allow for light brushing and detangling of some mats, but technicians are not able to demat guests or brush out extensive burs. We highly recommend for long haired or curly coated pets to have an established grooming schedule set up with a groomer after returning for the Ranch Retreat. Also for pets with medium to long hair, you can prepare for your stay by letting your groomer know so they can give your pet a shorter hair cut or trim behind the ears to eliminate potential matting.

Guests at the Urban Oasis play with splash pads, bubble machines, sprinkler fountains, and water toys. Also, if guests are in group play, they always share their sticky fun with friends. Common coat conditions after being at the Urban Oasis include light matting behind the ears of long coated or sporting breed guests. Also some curly coated or long coated breeds may have some tangles and light matting from playing outside in our courtyard with our splash pads or their friends.

An Exit bath will help your pet be clean, but may not take care of all coat conditions such as matting or shedding. Exit baths consist of guests being bathed in a shampoo based on their coat type and skin condition, blow dry, 10 minute light brush out, and fragrance mist.

My dog does nothing but sleep after a visit to the Canine Country Club. Is that normal?

Many dogs need a few days to rest up after their vacation. The high level of physical activity and the stimulation of spending 24 hours a day with his friends can be exhausting. After a couple of days, your dog should have rested up from his vacation in the country, and be back to his old self.

Can I bring my dog's bed from home?

Bedding and blankets are generally not used in our kennels due to the potential health and safety risks they may pose to our guests during their stay.

How does play time work at the Ranch Retreat?

Our guests are given play time based on weight and temperament groups and released across 6 play yards in shifts throughout the day. This gives ample time for play and rest from mental and physical outdoor activities that our guests may not be quite accustomed to.

Shuttle Services and Pick Up Time Information

Canine Country Club Transportation Ranch RetreatShuttling to and from our Ranch Retreat for canine guests are subject to change based on weather, and traffic. Shuttle Services arrive at the Dallas Spa location at approximately 12pm Monday through Friday and 10:30 am on Saturday.

Shuttle Services are part of the all-inclusive retreat experience. The Ranch Retreat is located on a private wilderness protected property that is only accessible to retreat staff. Changes to reservations that include shuttling services must be given a 24hrs notice for changes to be in effect.

Pickup times for guests staying at the Dallas Spa location without Exit Service:

Monday - Friday: 12:00pm - 5:45pm

Saturday: 10:00am - 11:45am

Sunday: Closed

Pick up times for all canine guests receiving an Exit Bath Service:

Monday: 5:00pm - 5:45pm

Tuesday - Friday: 4:00pm - 5:45pm

Saturday: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Sunday: Closed